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Inveraray Community Council
Community Action Plan
To engage with the local community to produce a Community Action Plan
Sept 2021 – Apr 2022
In 2021, its community council wanted to explore the community's aspirations and concerns in order to identify potential projects and guide community development.
Glic conducted primary and secondary research to understand what the community wants to accomplish and identify what is needed to deliver on these activities.
We reached over a quarter of the population through interviews, consultation and open days to form a representative voice across ages, social groups and professions.
Glic produced a Community Action Plan with ten priority project proposals that would strengthen business, infrastructure and the environment, health and wellbeing, and community pride in Inveraray.
With evidence of actionable proposals from the community’s objectives, the Plan will help to secure necessary resources, stakeholder commitment and funding over the next 5-10 years. Funding and significant work has since commenced for two projects: Inveraray Pier and Fyne Community Shed.
Alyssa StewartInveraray Community Council
The development of this website is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-20 Structural Funds Programmes.