Research, evidence and data gathering provides insight to help decision-making. However, organisations often struggle to invest enough time and resources to adequately assess information to support their decisions. Glic is well equipped to provide help in answering important questions and producing objective, insightful analysis.
We utilise both qualitative and quantitative methods to create comprehensive assessments of options and scenarios, across both primary and secondary research.
We have experience in conducting research within the public, private and third sectors, using face-to-face and virtual methods to engage with groups and individuals.
In primary research, we often find semi-structured interviews provide the most valuable results for the client. These interviews allow participants to highlight aspects that may have been previously overlooked in research, and enables us to explore these potential new avenues of interest with the client.
When doing secondary research, we invest in reliable and trusted research reports and look to validate information from multiple sources in order to develop a credible position on the specified project.
We present all findings in research and analysis in succinct and consumable formats, making extensive use of infographics and visuals to present key areas in an accessible and digestible manner. This supports the client to share the information internally with ease, as well as to current and potential stakeholders and funders to secure future opportunities.
Our research and analysis often looks toward the future, however we’ve established ourselves as proficient in evaluation too, working with clients to scrutinise their past work across a number of factors. We’ve worked with organisations to look at their impact over a long period, finding areas of positive and negative effect, and created a robust methodology that allows us and the client to look back and compare their performance against national and international norms.
Where appropriate and requested, we apply principles from the Green Book and Magenta Book as issued by HM Treasury in our research and analysis.
Read about our recent projects in research and analysis >
Quality Meat Scotland
Argyll & Bute Council
Allan Harris © Flickr
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
The development of this website is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-20 Structural Funds Programmes.