A strategy sets out how an organisation intends to employ its resources to achieve its objectives. Developing a strategy involves researching and identifying options, selecting the most promising and deciding how resources will be allocated across the organisation to achieve its objectives.
Glic seeks to understand its client’s environment and resources. We review and challenge processes, and undertake extensive research and analysis to determine an appropriate strategic direction.
Strategic plans developed by Glic define the vision, purpose, values, sectors and enablers that will deliver organisational goals.
In past strategy development work, we have worked with private, public and third sector organisations to review their work and recommend changes to direction, allowing them to develop new market opportunities and revenue streams.
In past work surrounding strategy development, we have worked with clients from the private, public and third sectors to review their work and recommend cohesive plans for redirection. Identifying these changes has opened up new market opportunities for the organisation involved, enabling them to develop revenue streams beyond their past operations.
Strategy development requires meticulous research and analysis across a number of variables, and we analyse market and consumer trends to produce a defined vision, strategy and suite of recommendations for the client.
These recommendations are costed and prioritised so that the client understands what the strategy requires in terms of commitment and how the aims and objectives set out in the strategy can best be achieved.
Read about our recent work in strategy development >
In 2022, Glic created a £16.7 million strategy for the area’s £500m Food and Drink sector.
The development of this website is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-20 Structural Funds Programmes.