6 October 2022
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) were seeking consultants for their Research, Appraisal, Evaluation and Delivery Framework to support projects and staff with a streamlined approach.
Glic scored highest in the tendering process for the second of three Lots, and will now provide support in Appraisal and Evaluation.
Contracts were awarded in three Lots, Strategic and Operational Planning; Appraisal and Evaluation; and Research.
The Framework commenced in September 2022 and will continue for a three-year period, subject to extension to September 2026.
Through the contract, Glic will support staff of HIE in the assessment and delivery of projects through providing external support and expertise.
The contract will primarily involve feasibility studies, options appraisals and impact assessments of HIE projects and interventions, along with bespoke impact and analysis commissions, and evaluation and review of projects previously undertaken.
HIE is the economic and community development agency for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, functioning as an executive non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government.
In 2021/22, HIE approved £34.65m grant-in-aid to support 922 projects across the region, with a total investment value of £158 million.
The development of this website is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-20 Structural Funds Programmes.