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David Smart


David graduated from Leeds Polytechnic where he secured a BSc with Distinctions in Production Engineering and Management. He is an alumnus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he successfully completed their Entrepreneurship Development Programme.

He has experience of completing complex assignments in the private, public and third sectors. He has worked at Board level with large multinationals, turned around failing businesses and most recently supported organisations, predominantly in rural locations, to grow and flourish. He resolves complex problems through the analysis of data and information and the creation of pragmatic, deliverable solutions. He founded Glic in mid-2019 and leads much of the work.

Outside of work he is an active volunteer with Scouts, loves riding his bikes and taking on challenges in all shapes and forms.


Listen to David’s work playlist

The development of this website is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-20 Structural Funds Programmes.