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Sue Gledhill


After completing a degree in French at Birmingham University, Sue spent 25 years as a corporate banker latterly working on more complex corporate finance deals. After a career break she spent over a decade with Highlands and Islands Enterprise developing economic development projects in the Argyll and the Islands Area Office.

With knowledge and experience of both the private and public sectors, her role at Glic is to provide expert oversight and guidance on the most complex problems. Sue divides her time between Cheshire and Argyll where she’s had a home for over 30 years, enabling her to spend time with family spread across the UK.

Alongside her role at Glic, she has a number of voluntary posts including as a trustee of two charities, leaving her limited time to tame her garden and ensure the greenhouse produces something edible.

The development of this website is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-20 Structural Funds Programmes.